My name is Giulia Capicotto and I am a junior double major in Gerontology and Sociology with a minor in Italian. When I came to Quinnipiac my original major was Advertising and after a few weeks I realized it was not what I wanted to do. Switching to Sociology was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Sociology hits such a wide variety of topics about things we all experience in everyday life. After switching to the Sociology department, I discovered Gerontology (the study of aging and the elderly). After taking a course in Gerontology I knew that is what I wanted to do, so I became a double major. After taking the class I realized I had grown up around older adults, so of course it made sense that I would want to study and work with them.
I am not entirely sure what professional field I want to go into after Quinnipiac, but the great thing about Sociology is that there are so many things you can do with it. I have been thinking about going in the direction of a social worker, possibly in a nursing home. In this department, we have required internships which I believe are extremely useful because real world experience helps you decide what direction you want to go in. Even if you do not end up liking your internship, at least you will know thats not the direction you want to go! I will have my first internship next semester where I can test out different professional fields and hopefully find one I love.
Anyone thinking about coming to Quinnipiac to the Sociology department should do it. All the professors and staff are kind and helpful every step of your journey here. I am so glad I switched into this major because I have found my home. Even if you do not know where you want to go or what you want to be, you will find your way and I believe that I have found my way here. You will end up where you are supposed to be if you try your best and be yourself!