Vlora Alka, Class of 2025

What are your career goals?

I wish to attend medical school then become a surgical oncologist.

Have you engaged in experiential learning that enriched your education and helped you prepare for the future?

In the summer after my junior year, I completed an internship/shadowing experience with Dr. Debroah Axelrod at NYU Perlmutter Cancer Center in Manhattan. She specializes in breast cancer surgery and is also the Founder and Director of Perlmutter Cancer Center’s Community Outreach and Education Programs.

As a premedical student, I was searching for opportunities that would allow to me work closely with physicians to gain experience. I was specifically interested in the breast cancer field as I have been working on breast cancer research with Dr. Jerrica Breindel at QU Frank Netter Medical school. Additionally, I wanted to gain experience in urban atmosphere. New york was an easy option being a Connecticut native.

This experience was incredibly enriching. I learned about many different procedures, plans of care, why the specific plans of care were chosen, and long-term follow ups. It was neat seeing a variety of patients, from those who have just been diagnosed with atypia or cancer to those who had surgery/cancer 8 years ago and are coming in for a follow up. I additionally got to see the benefit of strengthening the patient provider relationship. Breast cancer surgery is extremely sensitive, it was great seeing the trust and bond Dr. Axelrod can develop with patients.

Seeing different advances of disease and autonomy learned has stuck with me, but the most impactful moments happened outside the actual learning of breast cancer. What has stuck with me greatly was when patients would bring up costs and finances after the visit. I heard may patients state that they needed to skip certain yearly preventative screens due to cost. This shows how prevalent health disparities really are.

I enjoyed the experience so much that I offered to go back during the semester break. I can’t wait!

What advice would you give students considering the HMS major?

The Health, Medicine and Society major is a great interdisciplinary program that provides a well-rounded education. It is a valuable opportunity if you do plan on working with people at any capacity in the future as you learn more about communities and diverse human populations.

By CAS360