The Masters of Science (MS) degree in Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) provides students with advanced preparation and hands-on lab experience to enter professional and graduate schools or to pursue full-time work in research and pharmaceutical laboratories.
Rapid advances in the fields of molecular and cell biology have led to the emergence of a new and exciting field of biotechnology. These advances are used in the detection and treatment of human disease and underlie modern pharmaceutical and academic research laboratories.
The Master of Science in Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) program is available to both part-time and full-time students. Within the department of Biological Sciences, the mission of the MCB graduate program is to prepare students for employment in research fields available in the pharmaceutical industry, universities and hospitals as well as to provide an excellent foundation for students intending to pursue studies in professional health care fields and doctoral programs. See below for representative job positions from recent MCB students. Please consult the sections below for more information on the program or contact the program director.
- 2-year MS : the graduate program in MCB can be completed in 2 years, and includes both core classes and a wide variety of electives, with 2 tracks: thesis or non-thesis. (MCB Program of Study)
Admissions requirements: Dual-degree 5-year BS/MS (4+1) : qualified undergraduates begin graduate courses during their senior year. – Applications accepted sophomore-junior year. (Dual-Degree 4+1 MCB Program)
Admissions requirements: MCB-5-year-Program.
Information Session: click here to view a recording of the 4+1 information session held in the Fall of 2022. Additional information sessions will be held in the spring. Check back here and on the CAS 360 Events calendar for an announcement!
Application: Application form: UG_Grad-MCB-Application-Form.pdf. Deadline: March 30th of junior year.- Accelerated Dual-degree 4-year BS/MS (3+1) : prequalified undergraduates are accepted into the program upon admission and begin graduate courses during their junior year. (Dual-degree 3+1 MCB Program)
All MCB students take MCB core classes (20 credits) and a variety of additional courses (14-16 credits) depending on track.
Core courses:
BIO 515: Advanced Biochemistry (4 cr)
BIO 568: Molecular and Cell Biology (4 cr)
BIO 571: Molecular Genetics (4 cr)
BIO 605: DNA Methods Laboratory (4 cr)
BIO 606: Proteins Methods Laboratory (4 cr)Elective courses:
– Non-thesis track (14 cr)
– Thesis track (16 cr) -
Curriculum Tracks
Non-thesis track
Core MCB courses (20 cr)
+ 4 graduate MCB Electives (12 cr)
+ BIO 675: Comprehensive Exam (2 cr)
Total credits: 34Thesis track (requires 3.5 GPA)
Core MCB courses (20 cr)
+ 2 graduate MCB Electives (6 cr)
+ BIO 649: Independent Study for Thesis (2 cr)
+ BIO 650: Thesis I (4 cr)
+ BIO 651: Thesis II (4 cr)
Total credits: 36See below for more information and guidelines.
Research Opportunities
If you are interested in pursuing the thesis track or conducting independent research while in our program, please make an appointment with the program director to go over options.
Find a research lab at Quinnipiac: Research faculty at Quinnipiac (Biological Sciences) or contact MCB Program Director.
Curriculum – MCB Electives
BIO 500-01: Special Topics: Neurogenetics (3 cr)
BIO 500-01: Special Topics: Epigenetics (3 cr)
BIO 501: Special Topics: Advanced Protein Methods (4 cr)
BIO 505: Writing and Science (3 cr)
BIO 517: Advanced Developmental Biology (3 cr)
BIO 521: Stem Cells (3 cr)
BIO 540: Cell Signaling (3 cr)
BIO 550: Graduate Journal Club (1 cr)
BIO 562: Bioinformatics (3 cr)
BIO 589: Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (3 cr)
BIO 610: Introduction to Mammalian Cell Culture (1 cr): Pass/Fail *
BIO 688: Independent Study (1-4 cr) **
BIO 689: Independent Study (1-4 cr) **
BMS 510: Biostatistics (3 cr)
BMS 517: Human Embryology (3 cr)
BMS 518: Pathophysiology (3 cr)
BMS 522: Immunology (3 cr)
BMS 526: Epidemiology (3 cr)
BMS 527: Pharmacology (3 cr)
BMS 532/L: Histology and Histology Lab (4 cr)
BMS 564: Fundamentals of Oncology (4 cr)
BMS 565: Leukemia (3 cr)
BMS 569: Antimicrobial Therapy (3 cr)
BMS 570: Virology (4 cr)
BMS 572: Pathogenic Microbiology (4 cr)
BMS 573: Mycology (3 cr)
BMS 576: Drug Discovery and Development (3 cr)
BMS 578: Cellular Basis of Neurobiological Disorders (3 cr)
BMS 579: Molecular Pathology (3 cr)
BMS 583: Forensic Pathology (3 cr)
BMS 595: Transplantation Immunology (3 cr)
BMS 599: Biomarkers (3 cr)
PA 515: Human Physiology (4 cr)If a student wants to take a BMS elective that is not on this approved list, the student should submit in writing an explanation for how that course fits into their career/program goals to the program director. Students may take a maximum of 1 NOT approved BMS elective and have it count towards MCB credits.
* Does not count towards graduate elective credit minimums.
** A maximum of 6 credits of BIO 688/689 can be applied toward the MCB degree. -
Thesis Track Overview
If you are interested in pursuing the thesis option, you must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 by the end of your 2nd semester in the program. You will need to complete 3 semesters of thesis research (BIO 649, BIO 650 and BIO 651) and successfully defend your Masters thesis to graduate. Students typically choose a thesis mentor during the spring semester of their 1st year (in consultation with Program Director).
Thesis timeline:
BIO 649: Independent Study for Thesis (2 cr) – typically summer between years 1 and 2.
BIO 650: Thesis I (4 cr) – Fall of 2nd year.
BIO 651: Thesis II (4 cr) – Spring of 2nd year.Please consult MCB Guidelines below for more information or contact the program director.
Graduate Careers
Recent MCG Graduates – job placement:
- Medical School (UConn)
- PhD Student (U. Mass – Amherst)
- Research Assistant (Harvard Medical School)
- Research Associate – Neurosurgery (Yale University)
- Postgraduate Associate (Yale University)
- Research Associate – Iovance Biotherapeutics (Philadelphia)
- Research Scientist – Intertek Pharmaceuticals (New Jersey)
- High School Teacher
- Chemist – Narragansett Bay Comm
- Chemist – EC Prep – Alpha Analytical
- Au pair, Madrid, Spain
- Orthopedic Tech – Sturdy Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Associates
- Dental School (UConn)
- Medical School (Netter)
- PhD Student (UConn)
- Scientist II (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Postgraduate Associate – Cellular Oncology (Yale U)
- Microbiologist (Becton Dickinson)
- Research Associate (Enrich Therapeutics)
- Research Associate (IsoPlexis, CT)
- Scientific Recruiting (Commonwealth Sciences)
- Research Coordinator (Stony Brook WTC Center)
- QC Analyst (Werfen, NY)
- Research Associate (SEMA4)
- Medical Assistant (New York Cancer and Blood Specialists)
- MAT Masters (Quinnipiac University)
- Research Assistant (Dot Lab)
- Scientist (Pfizer)
- Account Manager (Novogene America)
- Scientist (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Scientist (Yale Center for Genomic Analysis)
- Scientist II (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- PhD student (U. of Pittsburgh)
- Accountant (Deloitte, New Zealand)
- Research Associate (Yale U)
- Research Coordinator (Valley Health System, NJ)
- Analytical Chemist (UPM Pharma, TN)
- Research Associate (Enrich Therapeutics)
- Medical School (Netter)
- Research Associate (IsoPlexis, CT)
- Associate Scientist (Pfizer, Pearl River, NY)
- Research Associate (Nostrum Pharmaceuticals, NJ)
- Dental School (Boston University)
- Stem Cell Technician (Yale University)
- Research Assistant (Midstate Medical Center, CT)
- Chemist 1 (CT Dept of Public Health Lab)
- Legal Assistant (Neubert, Pepe & Monteigh, New Haven)
- Research Associate (IsoPlexis)
- Researcher (Interpace Diagnostics, NJ)
- Researcher (Protein Sciences, CT)
- Adjunct Professor (Gateway)
- Research Assistant (Chase Medical Research, CT)
- Chemical Technician II (Prestone Products)
- Research Associate (Yale University)
- PhD student (U. of Colorado)
- Biotech Research Associate at TorpedoDx (Cambridge, MA)
- PhD student (U. of Georgia)
- Biotech Research Associate (U. Mass, Amherst)
- Medical Laboratory Scientist (Yale University)
- Research Associate (Yale University)
- Biotech Research Associate Intern (Yale University)
- Scientist II at Boehringer Ingelheim (Ridgefield, CT)
- Clinical Laboratory Technician (Yale University)
- Research Associate at Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
- Quality Control Manager at Sanofi Pasteur (Meriden, CT)
- Medical Student at Netter Medical School (Quinnipiac University)
- Team Lead, Validation Services at Thermo Fisher Scientific
- PhD Student (Emory University)
MCB Guidelines
- MCB Student Handbook: MCB Student Handbook.pdf
Thesis Track Guidelines
- MCB Thesis Manual: MCB-Thesis-Manual.pdf
- MCB Thesis Track Overview and Timeline: Thesis-track-information-timeline.pdf
- Bio649 (Independent study for thesis) guidelines: Bio-649-Ind-research-criteria-grading.pdf
- Bio650 (Thesis I) guidelines: BIO-650-Thesis-I-Guidelines.pdf
- Bio651 (Thesis II) guidelines: BIO-651-Thesis-II-guidelines.pdf
- Thesis I/ Thesis II Form: Form to register in Bio650 (Thesis I) and Bio651 (Thesis II): BIO650-651-Registration-Form
- Non-thesis Track Independent Study Guidelines: BIO-688.689-Guidelines-2024.pdf</
MCB Forms
- 4+1 Application Form: Form to apply to the 4+1 program. Please fill out and forward to the 4+1 Program coordinator and the MCB Program director. UG_Grad-MCB-Application-Form.pdf
- CAS Independent Study Form – Non-Thesis (BIO 688, BIO 689): BIO-688-689-Independent-Study-in-Molecular-Cell-Biology-Form.docx
- CAS Independent Study Form – Thesis (BIO 649): BIO-649-Independent-Study-for-Thesis-in-Molecular-Cell-Biology-Form.docx
- Thesis I/ Thesis II Form: Form to register in Bio650 (Thesis I) and Bio651 (Thesis II): BIO650-651-Registration-Form
- Independent Study/Thesis CAS Funding Form:
- Reduced Courseload Application Form: For international students, to get permission to take reduced courseload for either first or last semester in MCB program. Students should login at initiate the Reduced Course request. Enter the advisor’s name and email on the e-form. Once submitted, the advisor will receive an email with the request and instructions to confirm the information submitted by the student.
- MCB Improvement Plan:MCB-Improvement-Plan-Form.docx
Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) Program Director
Program Director
Alexandre de Lencastre, PhD
Program Director
Buckman Center
Phone: 203.582.5024
email: alexandre.delencastre@qu.edu4+1 (MCB) Program Coordinator
Tom Torello, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor of Biology
Buckman Center – BC146
Phone: 203.582.7750
email: thomas.torello@qu.eduDirector of Accelerated 3+1 (Biology/MCB) Program
Catherine Takizawa, PhD
Assistant Teaching Professor of Biology
Buckman Center – BC136
Phone: 203.582.7749