Registration is still open for the faculty-led course FL 200: Culture of Central Europe through Fashion with travel abroad to Vienna, Budapest, and Warsaw over Spring break.
We are going to analyze interesting texts, authentic photographs, movies, and paintings. We will also discuss texts by following writers from Central Europe: Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1885), Eliza Orzeszkowa (1841-1910), Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916), Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916), Zofia Nalkowska (1884-1954) and Imgard Keun (1905-1982).
This course includes a week-long exploratory trip to Austria, Poland, and Hungary which offers visits to fashion and textile museums, opera houses, theaters, historical sights, fashion design, and production factories.
Please contact Dr. Katarzyna M. Sims at or Hanna Hejmowski
Many students prefer to study a full semester abroad and others choose a summer immersion such as the popular program in Salamanca, Spain, at Colegio Delibes. Professor Aileen Dever assists students interested in this short-term study abroad opportunity.
Other students opt for Global solidarity trips to Central America and the Caribbean to lend their services to local teachers, community heath groups, the elderly, human rights workers, and other unforgettable volunteer experiences through the Department of Cultural and Global Engagement. Students also have opportunities to engage in local and international volunteerism related to human rights and justice through the Albert Schweitzer Institute on campus guided by the 1952 Nobel Laureate’s philosophy of “reverence for life.”