The Global Game Jam® (GGJ) is the world’s largest game jam event (think of it like a hackathon, but focused on game creation) taking place around the world at physical locations. Each year, the Program in Game Design and Development participates in the GGJ, in which teams spend a weekend brainstorming and building games; on Sunday, the finished games are uploaded. To learn more about how to get involved on the Quinnipiac team, contact Professor Jonah Warren.
See more about the 2019 Game Jam below!
The Program in Game Design & Development (GDD) hosted for the sixth year the Global Game Jam which was held January 25th-27th. The Game Jam began Friday at 5 pm in the Game Lab in Tator Hall with the unveiling of the 2019 theme. Teams brainstormed and built games through the weekend finishing and uploading games Sunday afternoon. View the games here:
Coordinated by GDD Professor Jonah Warren participants included Game Design & Development faculty, students, QU Alum and game design professionals. Ron Burgess QU’15 (doubled majored in GDD and CS) representing Spheregen, the New Haven based company specializing in in virtual and augmented reality helped sponsor the event and provided pizza for attendees.