Currently available positions:
- We are now hiring paid positions for summer 2023.
- Follow this link for more information: https://gratton.entomology.wisc.edu/2023/01/09/were-hiring-for-summer-2023/
- Typically paid, full-time. Seasonal field assistants work 30-40 hours/week and are compensated with hourly pay (~$15/hour). Availability of positions is dependent on current research grant funding. These positions begin around June 1, and continue for 10 to 16 weeks (depending on the position).
- We typically start recruiting in February for summer positions, but feel free to contact us at any time. Students will be exposed to a diversity of exciting projects related to the landscape ecology of insects and arthropods in agricultural landscapes.
- We encourage summer field assistants to develop independent research projects that can then be completed during the following Fall semester or academic year.
- Summer positions require a valid US driver’s license and ability to obtain driver authorization from UW Risk Management (see “Requirement Criteria”).