Resume Header Section

A Header section with name and contact information (school address, permanent address, telephone number, e-mail address) should appear at the top of the résumé. Your name can be in a larger font, but do not overdo it!  Make sure that your e-mail address and voicemail message are professional, and do not include personal information (e.g. age, marital status, citizenship). Seniors should switch their email to a non-Quinnipiac address since resumes may remain on file with organizations well past your graduation (and your ability to access your QU account). If you prefer, you may list only a city, state and zip code for your mailing address, but you must list at least that as many larger companies use automated systems to sort and file resumes using those fields.

  • If you have a LinkedIn profile, include the link to your public profile along with your contact information at the top of the resume.
  • Don’t use the actual “Header” feature in Word. This can make editing and spacing adjustments difficult. Simply type the information at the top of the page.