SCJA Advising FAQ

Why do I need an advisor? What role do they serve?
Your academic advisor is here to assist you with a number of issues ranging from course selection to letters of recommendation and career planning. Your advisor is able to guide you in selecting courses for registration and to assist you if you have any questions about degree or program requirements. While it is the student’s responsibility to choose the appropriate courses in order to graduate on time, advisors are here to answer any questions that you might have and to discuss opportunities such as study abroad.

Does my advisor change over time?
Generally, no. Once you declare a major, you are assigned “an advisor for life,” meaning the professor you enter with and are assigned to is the professor you stay with. Our goal is for students to build a long-term relationship with a member of the Department.

I don’t know who my advisor is. How can I find out?
You can find your advisor’s name through Webadvisor.

I need to set up an appointment to speak with my advisor about my courses. How do I go about doing this?
Usually, you will need to email your advisor to set up a time to meet. Some advisors use online scheduling systems.  During advising season, your advisor may have a sign-up sheet outside of their door.

I would like to request a letter of recommendation from my advisor, but I’m not sure how to ask them. What should I do?
You should email your advisor and ask if they would be willing to write you a letter of recommendation for a specific internship, job, or graduate program. If you advisor agrees, you should let them know to whom the letter should be addressed and what the deadline for the letter is. You should give your advisor at least 2 to 3 months to write a letter of recommendation, so if you wait until the last minute, your advisor will most likely not be able to complete one by your deadline. It is a good idea to also send your current resume or any other additional materials your advisor may request in order to expedite the process.