Understanding Experiential Learning in Biology
Are you interested in getting involved in research, shadowing a professional, or pursuing an internship, volunteer, or service opportunity related to biology? The Department of Biological Sciences is committed to supporting experiential learning, which enables students to apply their biology knowledge and expertise outside the classroom, explore possible career options, and make professional connections all while pursuing an custom-designed project or experience.
Experiential Learning in Biology Info Sessions and Drop-in HoursClick here to see upcoming info sessions and drop-in hours.
Experiential Learning Possibilities
Research in the laboratory of a Biology faculty member, or in a lab outside the Biology department, on or off campus (e.g. Bioanthropology, Biomedical Sciences, summer research internship, QUIP-RS, at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station)
Faculty-led courses abroad or global soladarity programs (e.g. Guatemala, Morocco, Portugal, Costa Rica)
Data analysis research project (e.g. EMS data, statistical analyses)
Shadowing a professional (e.g. healthcare, science education, science law)
Creative project (e.g. blending music or art and biology)
Internship (e.g. pharmaceutical research)
Working/volunteering in elementary/middle/high school (e.g. science fair projects)
Summer science program or camp
Community-based service/volunteering
Volunteering/working at a museum or zoo
Click here for Ms. Gilmore’s Guide to Pre-Health Summer Opportunities 2023 Edition
And many more….Talk to us about your own ideas!
Sample Experiential Learning Digital Stories
Mikayli Wojciac, From Surgery to Scope, (BIO 385 digital story, Fall 2022, mentor Benjamin Savage, Pathology Assistant at Yale University School of Medicine)
Brianna Reed, “The Ever-Improving Intern” (Bio 385 Digital story, Summer 2022, mentor Charlie Allertston, Loxo Oncology)
Daniel Galvet, “Shrew and I?” (Bio 385 Digital story, Summer 2022, mentors Melissa Hawkins and Arlo Hinckley, National Museum of Natural History)
Tiana Hayek, “Diagnostics Lab: Questions Answered” (Bio 385 Digital story, Spring 2023, mentor Kaleigh Shea, Precipio Diagnostics)
Carlie Carbone, “Planting the Seeds for Personal Growth” (Bio 385 Digital story, Spring 2023, mentor Leigh Whittinghill, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station)
Tara McVerry, “Seeing Clearly Learning About Optometry” (Bio 385 Digital Story, Summer 2024, mentor Airi Ando, The Eye Care Group)
Melissa Trudeau, “Strawberry Fields Forever” (Bio 385, Digital story, Summer 2024, mentor Nate Westrick, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station)
Hailey Tolson, “Guidance Through the (Fly) Swarm of Research“(Bio 385, Digital story, Summer 2024, mentor Caitlin Hanlon at Quinnipiac University)
Marissa Ritter, “Inspiring Heroic Hearts” (Bio 385, Digital story, Summer 2024, mentor Joan Cottle at Dr. Bill Neches Heart Camp for Kids)
Experiential Learning CoursesBio385, “Explorations in Biology”, is a hybrid course that is offered in the fall, spring and summer. It must be taken concurrently with the student-designed project/experience. Please see the “Process for Completing the Experiential Learning Requirement” below or attend an info session. Bio491, 492, 493, and 494 are independent research courses in which students can earn up to eight course credits for research alongside a Biology department faculty member. It is offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters. Please see the “Process for Completing the Experiential Learning Requirement” below.
Process for Completing Experiential Learning Requirement
- Attend an Experiential Learning Info Session (see current schedule)
- Talk to Dr. McGinnis, the Experiential Learning committee, your advisor and/or research faculty
- Use your networking skills to find a project mentor
- The Experiential Learning application process (for Bio385) is completed through Handshake. To apply:
- Watch the instructional video on how to create an application.
- Submit your project proposal for BIO 385 by April 1st (for Summer 2024 or Fall 2024) or Nov 1st (for Spring 2025).
- Submit your proposal for Independent Research in Biological Sciences by August 19th (for Fall 2024) or Jan 13 (for Spring 2025)
- For BIO 491, 492, 493, and 494, submit the Independent Study in Biology form to Dr. McGinnis
Experiential Learning FAQsClick here for Experiential Learning FAQs
ContactDr. Courtney McGinnis
Professor of Biological Sciences
Academic Coordinator of Experiential Learning
Buckman Center 145