Why LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is becoming almost a requirement among recruiters and hiring managers. More than 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to help evaluate candidates and a complete absence from the platform can present you as someone unwilling to use, or uncomfortable with, technology. This is not a great message to send to recruiters. The head of global recruiting for a major Fortune 100 firm said recently that, as far as he and his recruiters were concerned, “If you aren’t on LinkedIn, you don’t exist”.
It’s never too early to get started! If you are ready…
- Check out our LinkedIn Guide for a more in-depth look into how to build your profile and get started, and how to leverage LinkedIn as part of your job search.
- Research potential careers and career paths by using the LinkedIn Alumni tool to check out where previous QU grads are today and see their profile to understand how they got there!
- Find QU Alumni in charge of HIRING on LinkedIn! Follow these steps: Search “hiring” in the main search box>Click “All Filters”>Type “Quinnipiac” in the “School” field>Add in location, industry, etc. of your choosing. You can also save this search as a weekly report!
- Join our CAS LinkedIn Group to get connected to employers, alumni, faculty, and friends of CAS to jump start your networking process with friendly contacts willing to help!
Check out this overview: