Graduate students from the Molecular Cell Biology (MCB) 3+1 Dual Degree program present research at Glenn Symposium on Aging

Emma Poirier, a graduate student in the 3+1 Biology/MCB dual-degree program (Biology BS ’22) and Daniel Lenchner, an alumnus of the same program (Biology BS ’21, MCB ’22), presented their research at the poster session of the Sixth Northeast Glenn Foundation Symposium on the Biology of Aging which was held on Thursday, November 10th, 2022 at the New Haven Lawn Club. Emma’s presented her research entitled, “Function of miR-71 on transthyretin amyloidosis in C. elegans” while Daniel presented his research entitled, “The role of microRNA-71 in modulating the response to amyloid beta toxicity in C. elegans” during the afternoon’s poster session. Both students presented their graduate thesis research conducted in the laboratory of Dr. Alexandre de Lencastre, Professor of Biology. The Glenn Foundation Symposium on aging was attended by 155 faculty and students and featured 20 oral and 41 poster presentations. In addition to Quinnipiac University, it featured presenters from Yale University, Harvard Medical School, UConn Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Brown University, Boston University, Tufts University and the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging. The goals of this meeting were to: 1) Provide opportunities for post-docs and graduate students to present their research as oral or poster presentations. 2) Facilitate scientific exchange among scientists in the Northeast focusing on aging research; 3) Promote inter-institutional collaborations in aging research. The event was sponsored by the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research.


By Elyssa Wrubel
Elyssa Wrubel