Senior year is the time to start making all your hard work pay off! If you are planning to pursue full-time employment, your search starts in September. Heading to grad school? Time to start applying! By the end of this year, you should have earned 120 credits and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, completed a minor or double major if interested, and finish preparing for graduation!

  • Your Education As A Whole
    In your Capstone course, you will consider how your unique academic journey has prepared you for a successful career and a meaningful life – but don’t limit your thinking about that to your Capstone course assignments. Discuss with your academic advisor how the various parts of your education – inside and out of the classroom – fit together. Review and reflect on your progress by looking through your ePortfolio. Being able to articulate your distinctive experiences, cogently and enthusiastically, to a potential employer or graduate school admissions committee can win you the job or acceptance to grad school.
  • Handshake Is Your New Home

    Update your Handshake profile and upload your most recent resume and other documents.

    Apply for any posted positions that you qualify for and that match your goals. Check back at least once a week, until you accept an opportunity.
    Review the Job and Internship Search Guide in the fall to begin planning the search process.
    Identify your target industries and top 25 target employers where you would like to work.
    Set up an individual appointment with the director of career development if you’re unsure what to do!
    Use the online Mock Interview tool in QUCC to get additional practice

  • Internships for Depth
    It is not too late to do an internship to deepen your experience in one area, or add breadth to your professional background. The more experiences you have, the more attractive you will be to employers
  • Leverage LinkedIn
    Make it a goal to develop at least 75 additional connections by the end of the year. Begin reaching out to your connections that can introduce you to their connections working in your target industries and organizations. Review our LinkedIn Guide to better refine your use of this tool.
  • Connect With Alumni
    Continue to reach out to QU alumni using both the Bobcat Connect and our CAS LinkedIn group. Remember, you should not expect alumni to offer you jobs or even immediate assistance. Start your relationship by asking for their advice.
  • Master The Career Fair
    Identify all the employers you need to speak with based on your goals and target industries. Research them and plan your approach to each company. All seniors should do this even if your immediate plans are to go to graduate school. Plans can change and this is a chance to make connections while you are face-to-face with recruiters, and build a network for the future.
  • Graduate School Applications
    Beginning in the fall, take the necessary exams and begin applying to the schools in which you are interested. Start early, remembering you will need to write personal statements and complete applications, ask others to write references, request transcripts and take entrance exams.
  • Networking In High Gear
    If you are planning to look for work near your hometown after graduation, use some time while you are home for winter break or spring break to join local chapters of professional organizations and attend a live networking event. Share your goals, specifically as possible, with faculty, family and friends and ask if they can connect you to anyone in your target industries/companies.
  • Registration Information
    Click here for registration information


News & Advice

Featured Resources

For Internships Without a Formal Application Process Making the Initial Contact – A Letter of Inquiry Introduce yourself and your …

Featured Classes

GDD140: Creativity and Computation

Taught by Greg Garvey
Creativity and Computation is a UC course that prepares students to become digital citizens, literate in the language of technology.…

IT 212 Florence and the Making of the Renaissance

This course explores a time-the Renaissance-and a place-Florence-in which many defining features of modernity first took shape and became the…

New Class Spring 2024: ENV 225: Water and Human Health

Taught by Dr. McGinnis
Water is a natural resource that is vital for human survival and health, although only a tiny fraction of the…

AN 243: Ancient Food for Thought

Taught by Julia Giblin
In this course, students explore the origins (and consequences) of food production and consumption from an anthropological perspective. Participants examine…

CJ 355: Crime and Media

Taught by Alan Bruce
Examine the impact of mass media upon how we think about crime and our responses to it. This course is…

Spanish Language Labs

Unique among the course offerings in the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures are one-credit Spanish language labs at…

SP 376 The Spanish Caribbean

This course studies people, history, and society as well as artistic and literary expression of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the…

SP 373 Latin American Cultures I

Selected topics of Latin American cultures from their Spanish and pre-Colombian roots to the end of Independence are studied. Readings…

SP 343 Culture of Spain

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SP 321 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature

Major literary productions of Spain are studied, including works by or selections from Lazarillo de Tormes, Garcilaso, Cervantes, Galdos, and…

JP 200

This course provides students with an overview of Japanese culture, including the history, arts, traditions, beliefs, customs, behaviors, society, food…

CAS 420-06: Ful/Bright Futures

Taught by Haldane
In the capstone you will reflect on your time at Quinnipiac and prepare a full draft of a Fulbright fellowship…

CAR 295: Internship for Credit

This pass/fail course is designed to allow CAS students to gain real-world experience in an area of professional interest and…

CAS 420-DB: Terrorism and Literature: 20 Years After 9/11

Taught by Smart
Political terrorism has been a literary subject for over 150 years, involving writers like Dostoevsky in Russia and Joseph Conrad…

CAS 420-DA: Frankenstein(s), A Study in Cultural Descendance

Taught by Smart
With the publication in 1818 of her first novel Frankenstein, young Mary Godwin (soon to be Shelley) launched a powerful…

CAS 420-05: The Story of Storytelling

Taught by Tursi
At the core of any human endeavor we find a story, from our grammar to our machines to our revolutions.…

CAS 420-04: Poker – Theory, Practice, and Culture

Taught by Valone
In this course, we’ll be studying the game of poker and examining it from a wide range of perspectives, including…

CAS 420-03: Exploring the Human Genome

Taught by Dhillon
In this course, students will learn to use bioinformatics tools and apply them in a project-based approach to explore the…

CAS 420-01: Poisons, Poisons Everywhere!

Taught by Kaplan
Toxicology is a science that focuses on the harmful effects that biological, chemical and physical poisons have on people, other…

CAS 420-02: Monsters, Mutants & Meaning

Taught by Hanlon
In this course, students will investigate what it means to be human through exploration of genetic mutations and ideas of…

Student Spotlights