Quantitative Literacy Requirement and Math Courses

  • The Quantitative Literacy requirement for all students is “successful completion of a math course at the 110 level or above.”
  • Students must complete the Quantitative Literacy requirement by the end of their third semester.
  • Students and faculty should refer to the student’s placement exam score and the math placement guide to determine proper placement in a math course.
  • Placement Exam InformationAll incoming first-year and transfer students should see the Math Placement Test in their list of courses in Blackboard and should take the test as soon as possible. If an incoming student does not see the link or if a student did not take the placement test in their first year, they will need to submit a technology work order to gain access to the test. Results will be available through Self Service (Student Planning) under Test Scores within two business days.  Please see the math placement guide to determine the course to enroll in.