Join us on Friday, May 2, from 1:00pm-5:00pm! We are thrilled to announce the return of our CAS Student Symposium. This will be a unique and exciting opportunity for our students to share their research, scholarship and creative activities with …
Join us on Friday, May 2, from 1:00pm-5:00pm! We are thrilled to announce the return of our CAS Student Symposium. This will be a unique and exciting opportunity for our students to share their research, scholarship and creative activities with …
Life by design, not by default.
Feeling stuck thinking about your career? You’re not alone.
👉 34% of workers dread starting their day.
👉 Over half feel disconnected and disengaged.
👉 Only 36% would even recommend their job to a friend.
Our CAS360 Communities are designed to pull together all the information, tools, and resources you need based on specific areas of interest. These might include academics, career, or identity-based communities. Join as many as you’d like! This will help ensure …
**This list of opportunities is updated every three months. If the positions listed are closed it may still be worth contacting the organizations to ask about new opportunities**
—————————————————- FULL-TIME POSITIONS —————————————————–
1. Research Coordinator, Michigan Ross Behavioral Lab, University …
Declaring a major you enjoy is a significant part of the college experience. Therefore, before you complete your degree, you must decide what you are majoring in and meet all your requirements. However, if you’re undecided, don’t worry – you have …
This 3 credit course will be delivered online, asynchronously.
In this course, we will attempt to answer the following question: are plastics a miracle or a curse? We will explore the differences between natural and synthetic plastics, and how plastic …
New members are encouraged to join our chapter of the Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization (CEO). CEO is a national organization that supports more than 250 schools and chapters. Any major can join and have opportunities to network and learn more about …
Please contact Prof. Brooks Appelbaum at for additional information! Please note that this course also counts toward WGS minor requirements.
If you are interested in getting your work into the larger world of literary publishing, here is some info for you to check out, pass along, and hopefully take advantage of! Some of these are compiled from the UConn Creative …
The Program in Game Design & Development (GDD) hosted for the sixth year the Global Game Jam which was held January 25th-27th. The Game Jam began Friday at 5 pm in the Game Lab in Tator Hall with the unveiling …