Join us on Friday, May 2, from 1:00pm-5:00pm! We are thrilled to announce the return of our CAS Student Symposium. This will be a unique and exciting opportunity for our students to share their research, scholarship and creative activities with …
Join us on Friday, May 2, from 1:00pm-5:00pm! We are thrilled to announce the return of our CAS Student Symposium. This will be a unique and exciting opportunity for our students to share their research, scholarship and creative activities with …
Life by design, not by default.
Feeling stuck thinking about your career? You’re not alone.
👉 34% of workers dread starting their day.
👉 Over half feel disconnected and disengaged.
👉 Only 36% would even recommend their job to a friend.
Our CAS360 Communities are designed to pull together all the information, tools, and resources you need based on specific areas of interest. These might include academics, career, or identity-based communities. Join as many as you’d like! This will help ensure …
**This list of opportunities is updated every three months. If the positions listed are closed it may still be worth contacting the organizations to ask about new opportunities**
—————————————————- FULL-TIME POSITIONS —————————————————–
1. Research Coordinator, Michigan Ross Behavioral Lab, University …